Exhibition Review | 2024 IECSC Show in New York, USA

2024 IECSC Show in New York, USA The exhibition, hosted annually, features the IECSC New York Expo, situated in New York, USA, which proudly holds the title of the largest professional beauty and spa trade show in the United States…

2023 IECSC Las Vegas Exhibition Recap

美國拉斯維加斯IECSC展會完美落幕啦 在這個健康產業的年度盛會裡,有相當多的人來體驗碧波庭科技按摩,不管是臉部、手部、肩頸還是腿部,都可自己簡單操作儀器,消除長期積聚的壓力和疲勞感,舒緩緊張和身心靈放鬆! 雖然活動已經結束了,但是還是能透過FB和IG訊息我們,預約按摩體驗哦 #碧波庭 讓健康、美麗與自信常伴左右~ The IECSC exhibition in Las Vegas, USA has come to a perfect conclusion ???????? In this annual grand event of the health industry, many people came to experience BIBOTING's technology-driven massage. Whether it was for…

2023 IECSC Las Vegas Exhibition sincerely invites you to come and experience it.

美國紐約水療SPA展覽會(IECSC Las Vegas)是美國最知名的美容展會之一,專注於水療與健康美容行業展覽。主旨提倡健康與保健,每年展會能在這看到最新的美容趨勢及相關技術,並提供與專業人士教育、交流和採購機會,幫助您在美容行業中加速業務與技能的成長 我們長期專注於內在健康與外在美麗養護,在展會裡我們以現場體驗的形式,讓各位了解我們品牌的理念 想創業的你、想變美的你、想變健康的你,絕對不容錯過! The IECSC Las Vegas (International Esthetics, Cosmetics & Spa Conference) is one of the most renowned beauty exhibitions in the United States, focusing on the spa and wellness industry. It promotes health and wellness, showcasing…